Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Quinoa "Keen- Wah"


How is everyone? I am only going to focus on one food in this post: Quinoa. 

Since I have been travelling Quinoa has popped up in every health magazine I have read, and I quickly incorporated this little grain into my diet. Quinoa is rapidly growing in status and availability, not only is it delicious, it is jam packed with nutrients and essential vitamins. Read on to find out more about this grain of wonder and how to incorporate it into your diet. 

Keen What? 
Pronounced Keen-wah, Quinoa is a gluten free, nutrient bursting super grain ( technically a seed and related to leafy green vegetables such as spinach, but referred to as a grain). It comes in three colours, white, red and black, but there is not much difference between the three. You will find this super food in the whole food/ health food aisle of your super market and it is usually reasonably priced.

The taste is similar to that of brown rice crossed with granola, the consistency is tender and slightly chewy with crunch spirals in the middle when fully cooked. Quinoa is extremely versatile and is usually used instead of cous cous, rice or pasta.  

Bursting with Nutrients.
  • Quinoa contains all 9 essential Amino Acids, making it a complete source of protein, so it is ideal for vegetarians and vegans. 
  • It is jam packed with Iron which the body needs to help carry and store oxygen.
  • Containing large amounts of Calcium, Magnesium and Fiber, Quinoa is good for your heart skin and bones, and keeps you full. 
  • It is crammed with Vitamin B2 and Vitamin E, which  are powerful antioxidants in energizing your body and protecting your immune system. 
  • And good for your waist line, One cup of Quinoa provides a mere 222 Calories and 3.4gs of fat. 
How to add it to your diet. 

Quinoa is incredibly easy to use, you can have it for breakfast, lunch, dinner or even dessert! 

To prepare your Quinoa make sure you rinse it first to wash off the bitter coating. To cook, add to a pan with double the amount of water and boil for around 15 minutes, until soft or until you can see them begin to swirl. 

Check out easy to make Quinoa recipes here (including porridge and desserts!), and add this super grain to your shopping list!


How do you add Quinoa to your diet? Please leave a comment. 

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