Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Welcome and Happy New Year!

Welcome to Rabbit Food

In this Blog I hope to show you how to make better life style choices when it comes to food and fitness. I will teach you about nutritional information and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying the foods you love.

Short Bio

So first, a little bit about me. I have been putting off writing Rabbit Food for quite a while now, but I figured what better way to start the New Year than to bite the bullet and pursue my passion of writing, and my passion of health and fitness. I left the UK in February 2012 and since then I have travelled and worked in New Zealand and now I am living and working in Melbourne Australia. I want health and fitness to be more than just a hobby and to help people understand the world of nutrition and I think a blog is the perfect way to start!

Christmas Dinner 

Let me start by reminiscing about the scrumptious Christmas dinner we all enjoyed just a week ago. The festive season is renowned for making you eat until you burst and drink until you drop.  However, while you are having a rather happy relaxing time, your body is working harder than the elves in Santa's workshop trying to digest everything in your stomach. 

You continue to add more food to your already full pouch throughout the day which climaxes with a sweet Christmas pudding sending your insulin levels soaring as they try to control your 
sugar levels. 

A Christmas nap usually follows. Not only are you exhausted from the festivities, but you are also feeling sleepy because your stomach has sent a "rest and digest" signal to your brain. This has directed all of your available energy to digesting that second helping of turkey and Brussels sprouts.  

Your stomach is inflated and could be making you feel nauseous by pushing on the surrounding organs. You have probably eaten far more than your body needs, in which case, unfortunately, the excess food is converted in Reserve Triglycerides (which is a mechanism that stores unused calories) and will be packed into fat cells around your tummy and hips. 

New Beginnings

So as 2013 begins it is no surprise that most people I talk to are entering the New year with a few resolutions about weight loss and fitness goals. However, it is important to remember the need to be patient with our weight loss and fitness goals. Let me tell you this, restricting yourself of the food you love will leave you hungry irritable and unhappy. After you have deprived you self for a few weeks you will more than likely purge on the foods you love and be back to square one. Here is my first piece of advice for 2013: 

Don't make restrictions. Create new habits.

I think this is a good mantra to live by, and one that will help us all succeed in our new year's resolutions. Here is a second tip to start the New Year on a high: Drink. Lots. Of. Water. (Even if it has been said many times before!) Not only will water flush out all the nasty toxins that have ended up in your body over  the festive season but it will also help you feel fuller for longer and less prone to buying unhealthy snacks when passing the vendor at work. 

These three food are very clever in helping you lose weight:

Artichokes: Peel off and eat these leafy greens one by one, there is only 60 calories in one Artichoke and they are full with filling fiber which will ensure you consume less calories in the rest of your meal.

Pears: Full of a weight loss promoting fiber called Pectin pears are a wonderful snack or can be poached for a tasty dessert.

Tomatoes: High in fiber and water keeping you fuller for longer. And did you know, Tomatoes increase in nutritional power when cooked, so make a soup or roast in the oven for maximum effect. 

So, to conclude this post, I want to make clear that your New Year's resolution should not be restricting yourself of food, but it should be about making healthier choices and habits I want you to eat more in 2013, add tomatoes to you meal poach some pears for dessert and do not start eating rabbit food (think salads for every meal) and deprive yourself of the food your love, no one wants to live like that, and you do not have to! 

I hope you enjoyed reading, please feel free to leave comments and suggestions for upcoming posts, I will make sure I post a new one at least once a week, hopefully more!! 

Happy New Year to a everyone,  let's make even better choices this year! 

Sarah Clarke 



  1. Really enjoyed this! Great read! x

  2. Great read, good advice and I loved the stuff about what happens after eating too much food on Christmas day! I was in a big food coma from about 4pm to 5pm after Christmas dinner!

  3. Interesting stuff, now I need to be healthy after Christmas day (week)


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